Laptops for Libya

Nicholas Negroponte’s dream to bring cheap laptops to the children of the world will begin with Libya.  Imagine what the world would be like if every child had a wireless connection…..

Parks for sale

No, not National Parks (though they seem to be for sale to loggers and oil companies these days), but Rosa Parks. It seems that corporate America has decided to capitalize on the the Civil Rights activist most frequently (and somewhat erroneously) credited with launching the Montgomery Bus Boycott. So now we can add Rosa to …

The Great American Novel

What did insomniacs do before the internet?  I’m half convinced that if I didn’t have an internet connection, I’d be most of the way to the great american novel.  Or, maybe only part of the way, because I seem to be waffling between nights of 9 or 10 hours of sleep and nights with nada.  …

Any minute… Zotero!

The launch is pending for the exciting new browser citation tool from the most-excellent team of programmers at CHNM. Zotero is going to be the coolest thing to happen for academic Firefox users since tabbed browsing. I can’t wait to get my download, because it will help immeasurably as I’m beginning to work on my …